General Education Services
Program Specifics & Offerings For Grade Level Groups
Grades 1-3
Academic Year
Pull-out instruction during English Language Arts and Math instructional blocks; group size typically does not exceed 5 students
In-class support during Writing Workshop (Grades 2-3)
Frequency of Instruction:
ELA & Math: Daily for 30-40 minutes per subject
Writing: twice a week
Individualized based on need
Brain Camp
During the summer, SDOC offers a literacy intervention program for students in kindergarten and first grade. The program meets for 40 hours (2 hour per day) for a consecutive 20-day period.
Student-to-teacher ratio is intentionally low. Classes typically do not exceed 12 students and are taught by a teacher and a paraprofessional.
Student progress is monitored throughout the program and a written report is uploaded to Genesis at the conclusion of the program.
The process for acceptance into the program begins in January with mid-year assessment results. Parents are notified of the initial recommendation in February. An information session and workshop is offered for parents of students recommended for the program.
Teachers revisit and make final recommendations in March. Parents are notified in April regarding eligibility.
In September, BSI teachers follow-up on all students who were recommended to determine whether support is needed moving forward throughout the school year.
Grades 4-5
Students work with the BSI teacher in the classroom during the student's English Language Arts and Math instruction
English Language Arts: 4 periods per 6-day cycle
Math: 3 periods per 6-day cycle
Individualized based on need
Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS)
Purpose of I&RS
The primary purposes of the I&RS team are to:
identify students in need and then plan and provide appropriate intervention for those students within the general education community;
identify the responsibilities of building staff who participate in the planning and provision of intervention and referral services;
actively involve parents/guardians in the development and implementation of the I&RS plans;
review and assess the effectiveness of the services provided in achieving the outcomes identified in the intervention and referral plan;
provide professional development to general education staff members who either refer students to the I&RS or who assist in providing the intervention and referral services; and,
finally, help to coordinate the services of community-based social and health agencies.
Role of Interventionists
All interventionists are certified special education teachers. One interventionist is located at each elementary school throughout the district. The role of the interventionist at each school is to provide direct support to students in need of additional assistance in a variety of subjects: mathematics, science, executive functioning, literacy instruction, etc.
The interventionists also play a key role in supporting the Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Committee at each school as well as the students receiving an I&RS Plan through the work of the committee.
SDOC Interventionists
There are three interventionists located within our elementary schools. One interventionist is housed at each elementary school. Any student in need of support, can receive assistance from the interventionist. Students formally identified in need of additional assistance through the Intervention and Referral Services Committee work with the interventionist as one area of support. Classroom teachers and parent(s) are also able to request assistance from the interventionist for their child. This request would be communicated to the building principal. Interventionists work with students within their classroom or outside of their classroom, depending upon the type of support that the student requires.