Counseling Services
Monthly Classroom Lessons
Each month, I go into the classrooms of grades K-3 to teach a lesson and do an activity. The lessons I teach are through the Second Step Curriculum, which is a program rooted in social-emotional learning (SEL) that helps transform schools into a supportive, successful learning environment that is uniquely equipped to encourage children to thrive. More than just a classroom curriculum, Second Step’s holistic approach helps create a more empathetic society by providing education professionals, families, and the larger community with tools to enable them to take an active role in the social-emotional growth and safety of today’s children.
For more information on the district’s K-3 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum, Second Step, please see their website by clicking here..
Small Groups
Small group learning supports and enhances the development of personal and social skills, as well as promotes educational success. Research has shown that small groups provide not only additional social-emotional learning experiences, but also allow the students a chance to:
feel a sense of belonging
express themselves in a safe environment
benefit from the support of group members who may be experiencing similar situations/feelings
Once parent-teacher conferences conclude at the beginning of each school year, I begin surveying staff and parents for needs in small group counseling. Common groups offered are: social skills, emotional regulation, and executive functioning. Groups are for grades 1-3 and run for about a 6-week duration, taking place during the school day. I communicate with each student's teacher to schedule an appropriate time to meet with students according to their classroom schedule. Groups run at various times throughout the school year.
Individual Counseling
1:1 support is available for any student as situations and needs arise. Classroom teachers and parents may both request more information about this support for their student(s). Individual counseling meetings are held during the school day. If you would like to explore options outside of the school setting for additional support for your students, please feel free to contact me and I will happily provide you with a list of local resources.