Reminder: The Board of Education scheduled for Monday, November 4th, will take place in the Chatham Middle School auditorium.
over 55 years ago, Michael LaSusa
Work Family Connection trip to Branchburg Sports Complex on November 7, 2024
over 55 years ago, Phyllis LaPenta
WFC Branchburg Sports Complex Trip.11.7.24
Reminder there is a BOE Meeting tonight, October 14, 2024 in the CHS Auditorium at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube at
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Board of Education Meeting October 14, 2024
Aidan Manning closes out our TEDxYouth@Chatham Thursday series challenging us to REFRAME regret and reimagine it as a positive force that can point our internal compass true north. Listen to her talk at
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Reframining Regret Aidan Manning  TEDxYouth@Chatham
Reminder for the Parent Wellness Series Event tomorrow Wednesday October 9 at 7:00 PM, Summit High School . John Mopper, Founder of Blueprint Mental Health will present on Breaking Free: Unmasking the Mind Control of Modern Technology on Today's Youth And How to Build Resiliency.
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Breaking Free Unmasking the Mind Control of Modern Technology on Today's youth and how to build resiliency
American Red Cross will be holding a blood drive at Chatham High School on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 8:00-1:00 PM. Registration is strongly encouraged and can be done using the QR code on the flyer attached or going to
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Blood Drive Chatham High School  Blool
On TEDxYouth@Chatham Thursday, Sophie Maher ask us to REFRAME our reliance on corn in her TED talk "America Runs on Corn". Listen to how corn harvesting and consumption impacts individual health and the ecosystem at
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
America Runs on Corn Sophia Maher
CHS Key Club members are hosting an informational session on October 15, from 7-9 PM in the Chatham High School Cafeteria from 7-9 PM. Community members may join the meeting to find out how to partner with Key Club members and learn more about how to find volunteers for events.
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Key Club Meeting with Kiwanis International  MEeting on October 15, 7-9 PM
Christina Stuart's talk "Stepping into the Power of Grief" asks us to REFRAME how we react to the untenable. She challenges us to move past loss to find the hidden gifts that help us to heal and find our own true purpose. Take time on TEDxYouth@Chatham Thursday to listen to how Christina faced the loss of her father and REFRAMED this experience to propel her forward at
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Christina Stuart Stepping into the Power of Grief  REFRAME TEDxYouth@Chatham
Chatham High School students are enjoying the new horticulture class! Students are growing plants in the greenhouse and building a garden in open spaces outdoors where they are planting seedlings that the will tend. Thank you to the Farm for plant and mulch donations and to the Chatham Education Foundation for garden maintenance tools.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
2 female and one male students with plants in a greenhouse
one female in white shirt with plants
3 boys planting in a garden
2 boys with wheelbarrow of mulch
Mark your Calendars for the Parent Wellness Series Event on Wednesday October 9 at 7:00 PM, Summit High School . John Mopper, Founder of Blueprint Mental Health will present on Breaking Free: Unmasking the Mind Control of Modern Technology on Today's Youth And How to Build Resiliency.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Breaking Free: Unmasking the Mind Control  of Modern Technology on Today's Youth and How to Build Resiliency
American Sign Language teacher Carolyn Woods challenges us to be quiet, pay attention and extend our ability to truly hear others through the language of sign in her talk "Meeting Each Other Through Sign". Step out of your comfort zone and REFRAME how you hear to create deeper connections. Listen to the full talk at
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Meeting Each Other Through Sign Carolyn Woods REFRAME TEDxYouth@Chatham
Ira Hayes led our second session of professional development focused on trauma informed teaching practices. These skills help our teachers recognize and overcome barriers to learning . We are excited for our teachers to implement these new learning techniques in the classroom.
7 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Males on stage presenting in front of a slide that says how are students affected and lists trauma informed teaching practices
Reminder there is a BOE Meeting tonight, September 16, 2024 in the CHS Auditorium at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube at
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Board of Education Meeting Tonight September 16, 2024 7:30 PM
Yesterday was a perfect day for the Club & Activities fair at CHS! One of the unique things about CHS is that all clubs meet during the lunch block to give students time to try new things and interact with their peers during the regular school day. Club leaders run the event and promote their clubs to encourage participation. The full club and activities list and descriptions can be found at
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
2 females and one males student behind french club table sign
computer league table
SADD 2 males and one female behind SADD sign
3 high school students signing up for clubs.
This year Dr. Mary Donohue, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, is leading a series of professional development training sessions and workshops with outside providers . Noemi Rodriguez opened the school year with a dynamic presentation on multi-language learning. We are looking forward to welcoming her back for workshops later this fall.
7 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Engaging Multilingual Learners at All Levels Slide with Mary Donohue on the stage
Consider your ratings and lets' discus slide with woman standing on podium  on stage speaking to auditorium audience
How can we ensure all of our students feel seen heard an valued slide with woman standing at stage podium speaking
Biendvenidos slide with woman on stage
Reminder there is no school on October 3. If you need childcare . Work Family Connection is offering a Full Day Pumpkin Picking Trip from 7 am-6.30 PM. Register at .
7 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Full Day October 3rd Pumkin Picking October 3
Annemarie Lord invites us to REFRAME discomfort as empowerment on TEDxYouth@Chatham Thursday. Listen to "Breathing through Socks and Smoke" to learn how breathing through the discomfort of uncomfortable tags and sock seams led Annemarie to bravely fight fires at
7 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Breathing through Socks and Smoke Annemarie Lord REFRAME TEDxYouth@Chatham
Robert Penn, a Chatham resident and retired Bloomfield firefighter who served at Ground Zero on September 11th, 2001,once again spoke to Chatham Middle School and Chatham High School students today to share his experience as a first responder to the terrorist attack at the World Trade Center. Social Studies Supervisor, Steve Maher continues to invite Penn back to share how the attack helped people look past their differences and unite to help others survive.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Males in police uniform speaking to auditorium of students
Males in  police uniform speaking to class
robert penn speaking to class
The Library of of the Chathams has several upcoming events for teens.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Teen Book Club Grades 8-12 Thursday, September 26 from 4-5
Comic Art Class with Dewey's Character Creation Wednesday, September 25 from 4-5 pm
Social Media and Mental Health Wednesday, September 25 from 6-7 pm