Parent Wellness Series welcomes guest speaker Dr. Michael Bradley on November 1 at 6:30 PM at Chatham Middle School. Dr. Bradley will present on "Crazy-Stressed: Serving Today's Overwhelmed Kids with Love Laughter, and the Science of Resilience".
MP1 Recipe Slam students presented their "Oreo Slam" projects last week. Students are provided with recipes from the teacher and have to incorporate a "secret ingredient". Students work in groups to decide how to best incorporate the "secret ingredient” into the recipe then vote to determine the CMS Baking Champion.
Honor a veteran in your family! Chatham Historical Society, Chatham Township Historical Society, and Library of the Chathams are delighted to announce a joint project to celebrate Veterans Day. A special exhibit highlighting the service of our towns' residents to their country will be at the library. Chatham veterans and their family members are invited to be part of this project. Please bring a memento or a photograph with a brief explanation to the Chatham Library. It may be about yourself, your family member, or someone with a connection to Chatham Borough or Chatham Township. Items should be brought in before November 6, 2023. They will be on display in the library during the month of November. The library display cabinet has secure locks so the memorabilia will be safe.
Finance FAQs for November 7 Ballot Proposals are now posted at FAQs specific to Question 1 and 2 are also posted on the District website.
Reminder next Friday, October 27th is the 6th Grade Halloween Bash. Students must purchase tickets in advance through Community Pass at This event is sponsored by the PTO.
Chatham Marching Band Day proceeded last Saturday amidst rainy conditions. Prospective Marching Cougars learned marching techniques, football cheers and played along the sidelines with the high school band at the football game. Chatham Marching Band is currently ranked #1 in our region and division and will perform their award-winning show on Saturday at the Tournament of Bands. Band day seeks to engage middle school students who might be interested in joining the marching band as early as eighth grade. #SDOC2023 #SDOCarts
Board of Education Meeting tonight at 7:30 PM in the CHS Auditorium. The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube at
Mrs. Dangler's 6th grade astronomers learned about the Earth's Solar System this month. Students researched and built models for the space gallery walk. During the space walk students proudly presented on gravity, mass, distance, and characteristics of space objects.
Questions about the November 7, 2023 ballot proposals? Information and FAQs are posted at
Washington DC 8th grade trip registration is today! Make sure to register and make your $99 deposit before midnight. Register at with Trip ID 212494.
This coming Election Day, November 7, our Board of Education is seeking approval of two ballot measures. Here is the letter that was mailed to residents of Chatham Borough, Chatham Township and Green Village.
CMS opened the Week of Respect with an assembly "Remembering T.J. A story of Teen Depression Lessons of Hope". Wendy and Steve Sefcik encouraged students to access all supports if they are feeling depressed and talked about how to recognize suicide risk factors in their peers.
Reminder for 8th grade parents: Don't forget to register for the Washington DC trip today to get the $50 trip discount from Worldstrides. Register online at
Recognize the ceramic monsters from the District Art show? These monsters are created by students in CMS Cycle 8: Understanding the World Trough Art. The details required to shape the clay monsters require students to apply more advanced level sculpting skills. Glazing and painting the monsters also requires students to apply more complex painting techniques to achieve the desired color and saturation level on the clay surface. #SDOCarts
Reminder: 8th Grade Washington DC Parent Meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Check your email for the link.
French 6 students began the year learning French names and the French alphabet. Students are also taking advantage of the new classroom furniture from a recent Chatham Education Foundation world language collaborative learning grant. Students at CMS take their selected language for 3 years. We look forward to following these students as they continue their language learning path. Next up...learning numbers.
Today is CMS Election Day! We are proud of all the candidates who ran and gave speeches today! Election results will be announced tomorrow.
Congratulations to the Chatham Marching Band on winning 1st place in their group this weekend! They are currently ranked #1 in Group 1-A (NJ, PA, DE) in the Tournament of Bands. The marching band will be performing at upcoming Cougar Weekend!
Announcing the All School Production Matilda Jr.! General Interest Meeting next Monday, September 18th after school. Additional information can be found in the Google Classroom. Students may reach out to Mr. Stiles, Mrs. Spriggs, Mrs. Moleski, Mrs. PK or Mr. Hitchings with questions.
Bob Penn retired Chatham firefighter and 9/11 first responder visited CMS and CHS. He shared his experience, answered questions and commended SDOC teachers on teaching students "how" not "what" to think. He considers this one of the most valuable skils for safety and security.