Fantastic inaugural District Jazz Night! CHS Dance Club and Garage Band opened the night. CHS orchestra students and singer Charley Baird-Hassell joined the CHS Jazz Ensemble for a showstopping number. 5th graders showed they were absolutely ready for improv and solos.#SDOCarts
almost 2 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Photo of 5 student band 2 playing piano, electirc guitar drums, female singer
Photo of group of 5th band students on stage with female teacher in front
Photo of middle schools tudents on stage playing instruments
photo of high school students on stage with male singer and conducter on stage
District Jazz night is Monday, May 8 at 7 PM in the CHS Performing Arts Center. Grades 5-12 will bring the house down for a Jazz Pops Concert! CHS Dance Club will also perform. #SDOCjazz #SDOCarts
almost 2 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Flyer with blue background. Chatham Jazz Pops Concert May 8 2023 Chatham Performing Arts Center 7 PM
Mark your calendars for the District Art Show on May 22 & 23 from 6:30-8:30 PM! This event showcases over 800 student pieces in all grades and across mediums. There will be interactive art activities both nights. The Chatham Orchestra will also perform. Free and open to the public. #SDOCarts
almost 2 years ago, School District of the Chathams
District Art Show Flyer May 22 & 23 6:30-8:30 PM
Reminder BOE meeting tonight, April 24th at 7:30 Pm in the Chatham High School Auditorium. You may also join the meeting on YouTube at
almost 2 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Board of Education Meeting, April 24 7 :30 PM  in CHS Auditorium
Marisol Casais, Spanish Teacher, and the PTO brought the Pushcart Players to LAF for an assembly to celebrate Spanish and Latin American folklore. The musical production presented a collection of tales in both Spanish and English to creatively build world language skills. The assembly also expanded on concepts introduced earlier this year during international week.
almost 2 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Picture of black performers on stage in costumes in front of blue
Author, Chris Grabenstein, visited LAF today to talk to students about the writing process, how to create engaging characters and craft a story that engages readers. Grabenstein discussed his book, the Smartest Kid in the Universe that LAF student read for One School , One Book. During this interactive assembly Grabenstein weaved together sentences shared by students to illustrate how stories start and how they take shape. #SDOCreads #LAFPTO #readacrossamerica
almost 2 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Cover Smartest Kid in the Universe by Chris Grabenstein
Chris Grabenstein at an assembly in front of Ingestible Knowledge Screens
Chris Grabenstein at an assembly in front of green screens
Female with Christ Grabenstein at assembly