Please read the Fall 2023 Student Services Newsletter for information on current programs and upcoming events. The newsletter is available at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Student Support Services November 2023
The School District of the Chathams is currently accepting letters from Chatham Borough and Chatham Township resident families interested in having their toilet trained 3 or 4 year olds attend our Inclusion Preschool Program. Application information and applicable deadlines can be found at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Chatham Inclusion Preschool Lottery Now Open, Lotter Closes February 1, 2024 Drawing February 2 2024
It's Election Day! Don't forget to vote. Information on Ballot Question #1 and #2 can be found at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Your Vote Counts with Blue Background and Red Border
Please note the location change for the Board of Education Meeting tomorrow night. It will be held in the Chatham Middle School Auditorium tomorrow night at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be livestreamed at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
BOE Meeting on Monday, November 6 7:30 PM CMS Auditorium Livestream at
Work Family Connection is open next Thursday and Friday at SBS from 7 AM-6:30 PM. Fee is $100 for each day. Please see attached flyers for details on activities for each day. Register through WFC at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Work Family is open Nov 9th 7AM-6:30 PM at SBS Fee 100.
Work Family Cam November 10 7AM-6:30 Southern Boulevard Fee $100
Happy Halloween from MAS school! Do not pass go and go straight to collecting candy so you can get plenty of rest before tomorrow! Have fun tonight and be safe!
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
female in monopoly costume female in operation costume
elementary student in astronaut costume
elementary girl in angel costume
male and female elementary students in costumes
Chatham High School National Art Honor Society’s (NAHS) third annual “Painted Pumpkin Walk” in downtown Chatham! Decorated pumpkin artworks are showcased in downtown Chatham businesses along Main Street and South Passaic Avenue. All are welcome to participate in a scavenger hunt to locate the letters in each pumpkin display and unscramble the hidden message. All correct guesses are entered into a raffle to win one of two T.M. Ward gift baskets. Contest entries will be accepted until Friday, November 3rd at 11:59pm.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Pumpkin Walk Happy Halloween with pictures of pumpkins
Honor a veteran in your family! Chatham Historical Society, Chatham Township Historical Society, and Library of the Chathams are delighted to announce a joint project to celebrate Veterans Day. A special exhibit highlighting the service of our towns' residents to their country will be at the library. Chatham veterans and their family members are invited to be part of this project. Please bring a memento or a photograph with a brief explanation to the Chatham Library. It may be about yourself, your family member, or someone with a connection to Chatham Borough or Chatham Township. Items should be brought in before November 6, 2023. They will be on display in the library during the month of November. The library display cabinet has secure locks so the memorabilia will be safe.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Veterans Day Honoring All Who Served
Today MAS students learned about the training techniques used by K-9 officers to teach investigation techniques to dogs to help find evidence to solve crimes. MAS students also learned how dogs in the K-9 unit use their sense of smell to alert officers top suspicious objects or activity.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
k9 officer with dog on blacktop
k9 officer with dog on blacktop
Finance FAQs for November 7 Ballot Proposals are now posted at FAQs specific to Question 1 and 2 are also posted on the District website.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
School District of the  chathams Logo Finance FAQs November 7 Ballot Proposals
MAS preschool and kindergarten classes visited the pumpkin patch today. Students picked pumpkins and participated in a fall scavenger hunt. They also had the opportunity to pick a friend and go on a "hay ride". These activities help students build observation skills, teach collaboration and teamwork. MAS loves engaging students in interactive outdoor learning.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
kindergarten students picking pumplins on playground
2 boy preschool students picking pumpins at the pumpkin patch
one girl and one boy presschool student on playground equipment
asian girl on playground touching a fake bug with clipboard
Board of Education Meeting tonight at 7:30 PM in the CHS Auditorium. The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Board of Education Meeting tonight October 16 CHS Auditorium @ 7:30 PM livestream on YouTube
Students cheered on Mannie Noguiera today at the Amazing BMX Stunt Show Assembly. He closed out the Week of Respect talking to students about how to encourage others to achieve success. Demonstrating first failed stunts that ultimately led to successful ones after much persistence Nogueira showed students that a positive attitude and hard work are essential to success. This assembly was sponsored by the PTO.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Man on on bike handlebars on blacktop in front of a group of students
Questions about the November 7, 2023 ballot proposals? Information and FAQs are posted at
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
This coming Election Day, November 7, our Board of Education is seeking approval of two ballot measures. Here is the letter that was mailed to residents of Chatham Borough, Chatham Township and Green Village.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Male security officer with female student . 2 females 2 white and one black
MAS students learned coping strategies and discussed how they control their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The "Kind Minds" assembly empowered students to reframe negative thoughts to yield positive outcomes. Students also learned strategies to spread kindness. #weekofrespect
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Female standing in front of a what is kindness slide
Female standing in front of student looking at a slide that says show kindess
Female standing in front of slide that says coping skills
female standing in front of slide that is a triangle with thoughts, feelings, actions
SBS students learn about the importance of including others and being true to yourself for the Week of Respect. Teachers read the book "A Little Spot of Belonging" and students participated in activities to help them build confidence and support their peers.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Female teacher seated in front of classroom with slide behind her that says Roll the Dice with messages of kindness
Teacher in fron of the classroom of students standing inf frong of slide that says self-talk
Please find this week's Milton Minute at this link. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Milton Avenue School
As we near the end of the week one students are doing a great job learning morning line up procedures!
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
group of students lining up outside
groups of students lining up
group of students walking in building with teacher smiling next to them
students lining up outside on black top with school in background
Work Family Connection is providing Childcare on September 25 when school is closed. Please see flyer for information on registration.
over 1 year ago, School District of the Chathams
Work Family Connection Registration September 25th at Southern Boulevard School 7-6:30 PM Zany Scientists Sci-edutech for kids Fee $100