Employment Requirements

We are continuously seeking new talent to join our district. Our online application system allows you to apply for both current and future teaching or non-teaching positions. The application process takes approximately 30-60 minutes to complete, and you can save your progress to finish at a later time. If you are exploring the teaching profession and have questions about next steps, please contact the Human Resources Department. Additionally, licensed teachers who are interested in joining the SDOC team are encouraged to connect with us to learn more about current and future opportunities.

We thank you for your interest of employment with the School District of the Chathams.

Professional Staff Positions

Application Procedure

To apply for employment with the School District of the Chathams, interested candidates should our online application system and apply, only these applications will be considered.

Response to an Advertisement

If you are responding to an ad for a current opening, your application should processed through our online application system.

Position Offer

Once your candidacy for employment is recommended, you will be subsequently contacted to interview with the Superintendent of Schools.  Please bring a resume, certifications and highly qualified paperwork to your appointment. If you are offered a position, further employment documents, including the medical examination form, will require completion and/or submission.

Candidates Not Selected

For candidates not selected, the district thanks you for your interest in the School District of the Chathams and encourages you to visit the website for future employment opportunities.

Support Staff Positions

Support Staff Includes: Secretary, Custodial/Maintenance, Teaching Assistants, and Paraprofessional Roles

Individuals applying for support positions should apply through our online application system. Should your qualifications meet the requirements desired, you will be contacted directly by the appropriate administrator or supervisor to schedule an interview. If you are recommended for the position, an appointment will be scheduled with the Human Resources Department to complete the application process for employment.

Certification Resources