Reminder there is a BOE Meeting tonight, September 16, 2024 in the CHS Auditorium at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube at
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Board of Education Meeting Tonight September 16, 2024 7:30 PM
Mark your calendars for an important parent presentation on internet safety delivered by the NJ State Police Internet Crimes Against Children Unit and the Chatham Borough Police Department. Event will be held at Chatham Middle School, Thursday, October 10 at 7 PM.
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Internet Safety: Parents, Guardians & Community. Parenting Tips for Online Safety : Keeping your Child/Teen Safe .  New Jersey STate Police Internet Crimes AGains Children Unit, Morris County Prosecurtor's Office  and Chatham Borough Police Deparment Contact Officer Thomas Chun at
LAF students had a great 1st day yesterday! We were especially excited to welcome our 3rd grade classes and teachers to the LAF community. 3rd grade students and teachers loved the new furniture in their classrooms and were introduced to LAF traditions such as calm cougars. Mr. Keller, Ms. Gaul and Ms. Goodstein also visited classrooms to introduce students to chorus, band, and orchestra applied music offerings.
6 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Group of 4th graders seated on a rug looking at the camera with a teacher
Female teacher teaching a group of students seated at tables doing a craft
students at a table coloring a first day of third picture
1 male teacher and 2 female teachers leading class
On Friday, LAF students and faculty celebrated Mrs. Kraemer's 57 years of teaching! Teachers, many who were Mrs. Kraemer's former students produced a head show in her honor. Mrs. Kraemer is famous for her signature paper mache head show that combined the fine and performing arts skills of students. The cast of the Little Mermaid performed a rendition of "Under the Brush" to honor her contributions to the musical. Students also presented her with a trophy and a Kraemer Jersey. Local and national government officials paid tribute to her with proclamations and awards while the flag club presented her with a ceremonial flag. The PTO closed out the ceremony announcing the creation of a scholarship in her name. Three generations of students have benefited from Mrs. Kramer's talent and dedication to teaching. Her students are proof that everyone is an artist!
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
picture of woman clapping in brown smock next to senior woman  holding flowers  next to paper mache character
paper mache head with group of teachers on stage doing skit
elementary students on stage in little mermaid costumes holding props with paper mache head in center
senior woman sitting in chair next to students with trophy
Yesterday students and staff members joined together with law enforcement to support Special Olympics in the annual Torch Run. Starting at Southern Boulevard School, runners followed a route that passed all Chatham schools. We were excited to welcome students back to the sidelines this year to cheer the runners on as they passed each school.
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
large group in special olympics torch run shirts grey and blue with law enforcement standing infront of a school with a Chatham High School and a Chatham Township banner
male runners in blue shirts carrying special olympics torch
female runners in grey shirts
male runners in blue shirts and female in grey shirt slapping hands of students lining school while running
5th grade choral students closed out the spring concert series today with an amazing performance. We hope that you appreciate how much all of the students have grown their musical talents this year!
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
fourth graders on risers singing
Congratulations to 5th grade band on a great performance today! It makes a proud to fill the stage and the room with such beutiful music!
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
picture of 5th graders playing instruments on stage
pictures of students playing the flute
pictures of studetns playing saxophone
pictures of student band bembers playing
Congratulations to 5th grade orchestra students on a fantastic performance today! Keep practicing. We can't wait to see you on stage at CMS!
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Picture of male conducting orchestra
picture of 3 rows of fourth graders playing violin
picture of 4 rows playing violin
picture of male in pink suit on crutches conducting  speaking in front of seated orchestra students
Fourth graders performed a fabulous concert yesterday! Students are encouraged to continuing practicing over the summer.
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
back of female conducting orchestra
fouth grade students signing on risers
4th grade students playing orchestra on stage
School closed tomorrow, May 23, Friday, May 24, and Monday May 27. Delayed opening on Tuesday, May 28th. Enjoy the long weekend!!
9 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Reminder School Closed May 23, May 24, May 27 and Tuesday May 28
Thank you to government service professionals for joining career day to share how you help to keep us all safe!
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Police officer and elementary student petting dog
Female pointing to Forensic Capabilities slide
Male in army uniform talking to students
Firefighter in uniform in front of slide syaing my job
As part of Career Day students learned about careers in the arts. Students learned about how to finance, produce, market and advertise films and theatre productions. They also learned what skills are involved in being an art designer.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
female in front of slides with broadway shows displayed presenting to students
Woman presenting to elementary students in front of slides with art and building displayed
Male presenting to elementary students in classroom
female woman presenting to students
Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for Career Day at LAF this month! Students enjoyed learning about the variety of career options available to them and how to apply the skills they are learning in school outside of the classroom. Many were surprised how many creative jobs use Math in a variety of ways.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Male Presenting with Impossible Burger
Google slide saying sales leader for team of executives that handle google partnerships with brands around the world
Male in Home Depot Apron presenting slides to elementary students
Female in pink jacket presenting to class of students
Jazz bands in grades 5-12 performed at SDOC District Jazz Night. Students and audience members alike celebrated how jazz brings together talent of all levels to create unique music each and every time a piece is played. Last night was the first time the opportunity these groups had a chance to perform Mumbo Jumbo as a combined group. Listen to this piece at
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Picture of male and female singing on stage in front of jazz band
picture of jazz band
picture of students holding a poster saying Mr. Conti with jazz band in the background. female holding mic
Picture of Jazz Bands on Stage with female and male giving an award and students holding poster
The Board of Education is planning to adopt the 2025/2026 district calendar by the end of this school year. There are three calendars currently under consideration. If you would like to provide feedback on the calendars, please view the calendars and share your preferences at
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Reminder tonight is the SDOC District Jazz concert featuring performances by our 5th-12th grade jazz bands and the CHS dance club. Performances begin at 7 p.m. in the CHS auditorium.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
SDOC District Jazz Night 7 PM
SDOC District Jazz Nigh 7 PM
SDOC District Jazz Night Performance 7 PM
Board or Education Meeting tonight at 7:30 P. M. in the CHS Auditorium. CMS will provide an update on the fall 2025 5th grade transition. The meeting will also be live streamed at
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Board of Education Meeting Tonight  May 13, 2924 CHS Auditorium 7:30 P.M
We are excited for our second annual SDOC districtwide Jazz Night! Please join us on Wednesday, May 15th, Chatham High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM. Performances by the LAF, CMS and CHS Jazz Bands. Free and open to the public.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
SDOC Jazz Nigh May 15th 7 PM, CHS Auditorium
Mark your calendars the District Art Show is May 20 and 21st from 6:30-8:30 P.M. We are excited to announce special hours for Senior Citizens. Seniors are invited on May 21 from 10 AM - 12 PM. Student artists will act as docents during the Senior viewing hours.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
District Art Show Chatham Middle School May 20 & 21 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Painting of a girl with multiple colors
Chatham District Art Show Special Senior Citizen Hours Chatham Middle School May 21 10:00 A.M -12 P.M.
Wave and Sun textured artwork piece.
School calendar has been updated to reflect unused snow days. School will be closed Thursday, May 23 and Friday, May 24. MAS, SBS & WAS will have an early dismissal on May for kindergarten screenings.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Calendar Updates School Closed Thursday May 23 & 24 Early Dismissal MAS, SBS & WAS Only Thursday, May 30