AP Testing
**Please note AP Registration and Exams are only available for current CHS STUDENTS**
CHS AP Exam Regular Recommended Registration will take place from Tuesday 10/1/24- Monday 11/11/24. Late Fee Registration will take place from 11/11/24 - 3/11/25
For those that are new to AP, AP exams take place in May but the CollegeBoard mandates that orders for exams are placed and finalized before mid November.If you have questions about taking AP exams please discuss with your AP teacher or email Ms. Sleight-ksleight@chatham-nj.org.
AP Exams Spring 2025 Overview:
CB has increased the fee of exams, so each exam will be $103
AP Research and Seminar are subject to a different test fee of $151
Exams take place Monday May 5, 2025- Friday May 16, 2025.
You can see the full schedule here
Spring 2025 Overview:
Type | Details | Time Frame |
Regular Registration | Students need to decide about taking AP Exams in the FALL & exams are ordered in the Fall. | Begin: Tuesday October 1, 2024- 8am End: Monday November 11, 2024- 11:59pm All students should aim to register during this time frame! |
Late Fee Registration (after 11/11) | Any exams ordered after 11/11 are subject to a LATE FEE as per the CB: charged an additional $40 per test= $143 per exam | End: Wednesday March 11, 2025 NO MORE EXAMS CAN BE ORDERED AFTER THIS DATE |
Cancellation/ No Show | If a student chooses to cancel an exam a $40 cancellation fee is applied (as per CB). | Exams canceled before 11/11 are entitled to a full refund Students who cancel an exam after November 11 are entitled to a partial refund of $63 per exam. No Show: Students who cancel an exam or do not show up for an exam on or after 5/1 will not receive a refund. |
Registration Steps
AP Registration is a multi Step Process and successful registration requires logging in to 2 websites, MyAP and Total Registration. All steps must be completed in order to complete registration.
STEP 1(Website 1): MyAP (ALL AP STUDENTS need to complete):
MyAP Account: If you do not have a MyAP account you will need to make one. Students are required to join their AP course REGARDLESS of if they are taking an exam.
Can’t remember your password or username? Utilize the forget password feature or contact College Board- 888-225-5427.
Join AP Courses on MyAP: Students need to join their AP Courses on MyAP using each course's join code. Your teacher can share that with you. Instructions are here. *You may have already completed this step in class with your teacher!*
Indicate Yes or No for taking an Exam on MyAP: For every course an AP student is in they need to update their testing status
to Yes or No. Everyone’s testing status is automatically set to undecided. This must be done by 11/11. Instructions are here if you need them.
STEP 2 (Website 2):
Total Registration (TR) If you are NOT taking any AP exams you can skip this step. (Only needed to complete if you are taking an exam):
Since the MyAP site doesn’t collect exam fees we use TR to collect payment for the exams.
Exams will ONLY be ordered for those that have registered on both MyAP and on TR
For any exams you have indicated on MyAP as a “Yes” you are taking you need to complete registration and payment by logging in to our CHS Total Registration Site. If you have logged in before and forgot your password you can see the password reset instructions here.
In summary
**The CollegeBoard allows students to edit exams up until March 15, 2025, but any exams ordered after Monday 11/11 are subject to a $40 late fee per exam (increasing the total per exam to $143). For this reason we HIGHLY suggest that you order your exams before the regular registration deadline, Monday, November 11. **
Yes, I want to take the Exam(s):
Complete all of the above MyAP Steps
Complete Total Registration Steps
No, I do not want to take the Exam(s)
Complete all of the above MyAP Steps
Please contact Ms. Sleight, if you have any questions. Be well!

A Note on Late Testing:
In keeping in line with CollegeBoard’s need to preserve the security of exams, equitable exam preparation, and respect to the significant amount of time that goes into administering AP exams, we are only able to offer late exams at CHS for approved reasons. Additionally, CollegeBoard makes AP exam dates available well in advance to prepare appropriately to ensure any scenarios “beyond the control of the school and the student” are dealt with in a timely manner.
In some scenarios you may be asked to provide documentation to support the need for late testing. These requests should also be made within reason. i.e. for sports if you are aware of your sports schedule well before AP exams you should be checking your dates against your exam dates.
If you have any questions please reach out to Ms. Sleight- ksleight@chatham-nj.org