Scholarship Opportunities for Seniors

CHS Specific Scholarships:

2025 Scholarship Deadline has passed. More info for 2026 will be posted in early 2026

There a number of scholarships available to CHS students through our generous community. The CHS Scholarship Application  is now available and open to ALL seniors. These are accessed via Google Docs and submitted through Google Forms. 

The deadline to submit the application and all supporting materials online is **March 5th** by 11:59pm

  •  Please note that we only accept digital submissions (no hard copies). 

  • Seniors will be able to select and download a "Student ID only" transcript in Genesis.

  • This is the transcript you will use to apply to all CHS Senior Scholarships.

Please contact Mr. Barbato with any questions.

The Austin O. Hooey Scholarship Fund 

Provides one or more college scholarship awards ranging from $5,000-$10,000 per year for four consecutive academic years to a graduating senior(s) of Chatham High School to assist in attending a college/university the student desires to attend but the student and/or student’s family might not otherwise be able to afford. The scholarship will be awarded based on financial need, academic performance and merit. 

The postmark deadline is March 28th

If you will be applying to this scholarship, please email Mrs. Stettler ( and Mrs. Mackessy ( in the School Counseling office by March 21st and ask them to submit a transcript on your behalf.   

We will be keeping a list of students requesting transcripts and will forward your official transcript directly to the Community Foundation. If you have specific questions about this scholarship, please contact Colleen Smith at Community Foundation at

General Scholarships:

Scholarships advertised to Chatham High School are posted on the Naviance Scholarship Page.

How to Access:

  • Log in to Naviance

  • Go to Colleges Tab (at top of page)

  • Hover over to Scholarships & Money

Please note...

  • This is not an exhaustive list- if there isn't a scholarship on here that doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

  • This list is a fluid document- as the Counseling Department learns of new scholarships they will be updated here

  • Scholarships are self nominated

  • A scholarship being on this list is not an endorsement by CHS, it is important for students to research the right fit

  • It is the student's responsibility to find out specifics about the scholarship, exact deadlines, requirements etc...

Scholarship Spotlight On:

going merry

Going Merry

personalizes a scholarship list for you based on the profile you fill out. It's essentially a matchmaking site, but for scholarships!

Raise Me allows you to fill out a profile and track achievements throughout High School.
Certain Colleges have agreed to offer scholarship money for achievements and you can cash those in when complete. Achievements range from Getting an A to playing on a team etc...!