Interest Groups

Students who have a passion for an activity or topic outside of the CHS club offerings are invited to create interest groups which meet during lunch. This is an opportunity to meet and connect with other students who share those same interests. Interest groups have faculty sponsors but meet informally.

Making connections and meeting new people can be an integral and rewarding part of your Chatham High School experience. We encourage students to become involved in established clubs and organizations at CHS. A listing of CHS 2024-25 Clubs/Organizations and their advisors can be found on the school website

We recognize that students have unique pursuits that may not align with a school club and may wish to use time in school to connect with others who have similar interests. Chatham High School supports the creation of interest groups, which provide students an opportunity to meet during school under the sponsorship of one or many faculty member/s to discuss topics, plan outside get-togethers, or engage in activities related to these interests on an informal basis. While Chatham High School’s official clubs and activities require a minimum number of meetings, projects, and attendance, there are no such requirements for interest groups. Interest groups are completely student run and a great way for students to widen their circle of friends.

New Interest Group Application should include the following information :

  • Group Name

  • Group Focus (what is the topic of your interest group)

  • Activities you plan to do during your meeting time

  • Discuss topics? Watch movies? Plan outside activities?

  •  How frequently do you plan to meet?

  • Faculty sponsor’s name

    • Please note that the faculty sponsor would be volunteering their time to supervise your meetings in their classroom. The interest group creator is responsible for securing a sponsor.

Once an interest group is established, the group and sponsor can establish meeting dates on a flexible basis and can advertise those meetings over the PA and on the interest group bulletin board across from A115.