Career Planning

The first step in the career exploration process is to gather information about yourself to help you choose an appropriate career.

The more you know about your interests, values, abilities, and goals, the more likely you will be to select enjoyable, stimulating work in which you will excel. Below are some activities that will help learn about who you are and what interests you:

  • Take lots of classes to learn your strengths and interests.

  • Learn to develop new skills through classes, clubs, sports, etc.

  • Begin to explore career options. Talk to counselors, teachers, coaches, parents, and friends. Do some research into careers.

  • Find part-time jobs or volunteer experiences which allow you to try different career areas.

You can also take personality and career assessments within Naviance Student.
After taking the assessments, you will learn more about your personality profile and be able to identify careers that may be satisfying if the careers’ demands play to your strengths and weaknesses. Remember, these career assessments in high school are not meant to steer students to any one particular career. Ponder the results, take into consideration what themes you find in the results, and look into ways to meet your personal values and priorities in career areas that interest you.

Log on to your Naviance Student account to use the Cluster Finder and Personality Type assessments to identify majors and careers that may be a good fit for you.

  • Review tasks, knowledge, abilities, and level of education requirements for careers within Naviance under the "careers" tab. You'll also be able to view average salaries by occupation by state of residence and by clicking the state you'll see different cities/areas within it.

Career Tools

Naviance Student has great career exploration tools available to all CHS students!
Check out the Careers tab on the home page to explore career information. Additionally you can take assessments to assist you in self exploration which ultimately helps you in making future decisions!

You can find Assessments in the Self Discovery section.

naviance assessments


Looking to organize all that you do?? Here are tips for creating what is likely your first resume!

High school resumes can include things like what is listed below. You do not need to have ALL of these things. Again this is your first resume, it won't be that expansive, you're still young! Plenty of time to add to your resume in the future :)

  • Education (High School), including your GPA, Jobs, Clubs/Activities, Achievements/Awards/Honors, Projects, Additional Skills, Hobbies

  • One Page- Your resume at this point in your life should only be one page. Like the point above you're still young, those with multi page resumes are usually established professionals.

  • Balance the Page- While you may not be able to fill the page, make sure you balance it nicely and fill in any white space as you can see in the examples below.

  • Use Action Verbs but be sure not to exaggerate your experience or skills

  • Use an easy to read and professional looking font

  • Proofread and Edit!- Double check your work and ask others to take a look at to offer advice and editing suggestions

Here is a great website on Writing a High School Resume that Stands Out

Naviance Resume Tools

Naviance has a Resume Builder under the About Me Section, it's a great place to use an interactive tool to build your resume as well!