Junior Forms & Resources
The CHS Counseling Department is excited to offer support and resources for Junior students thinking about their plans Post-CHS.
Please see forms and documents below in addition to our College Search and College Application links on our site.
If you have any questions please reach out to your counselor or Ms. Sleight- ksleight@chatham-nj.org. Happy planning!
Watch the 2024 Jr. Post CHS Planning Webinar below at our College & Career Youtube Channel!
Life After CHS- Jr. Planning Night
2025 Life After CHS Night will take place on January 7, 2025
Junior Game Plan Survey
*You should fill this out at least 3-5 days prior to your Jr. conference that way they have enough time to best plan for your meeting!*
Please fill out the appropriate Game Plan form below.
There is a form for EACH counselor so please make sure to fill out the appropriate one :)
Parent/Guardian Letter of Rec Questionnaire
Please fill this out to give your counselor more information moving forward about your student.
This will help counselors in writing letters of recommendation and more.
Please submit this either via email or in person. DUE: May 1