CHS July Updates

Schedules and Scheduling

Schedule viewing is currently closed in the portal. Throughout July, we continue to balance classes to disperse students evenly among course sections and achieve consistency in class sizes.  When we balance classes, we do not remove a course from a student's schedule; however, the teacher or the period in which the class meets may change from the originally posted schedule. On August 2, 2024, the Genesis Parent Portal will officially open for the 2024-2025 school year. At that time the official schedules will be available. In the interim, if you have any questions regarding your schedule please contact the counseling office at 973-457-2533.  

CHS does accept course-level waiver requests over the summer. The waiver window will be August 2 -9. An email will be sent with links to the waiver forms before the opening. 


All students planning to try out / participate in a fall sport must submit the appropriate physical exam form to the CHS main office (in paper) by August 1, 2024. There is a collection box for these forms located outside our front entrance. Please place the forms in an envelope with the student's name clearly written.  Information regarding the required forms can be found here. Please review this information as the state has made adjustments to the required forms.  Our nurses will review the forms and send them to our school physician for final approval. If there are any questions, concerns or if your child is found to be not cleared the nurses will contact you directly. 

In addition to the physical exam form, there are online forms that must be completed in the Genesis parent portal. These forms will be available when the portal opens on August 2, 2024. 

Any questions regarding the athletic forms should be directed to Sharon McAloon, Athletic Department Secretary at or 973-457-2534.  If there are any concerns regarding your submitted medical forms the school nurses will reach out to you directly. You may also reach out to them with any medical questions, but please be sure to copy both nurses on any email sent, so that they are both in receipt. The nurses are in the office on various days throughout July to process athletic paperwork. 

Contact information for CHS nurses:

Christina Vitiello:

Susan DeSmet:

Summer Assignments

This is a reminder that some of our courses at CHS have summer assignments.  This information was previously shared with students and can be found here CHS Summer Assignments 2024

Upcoming Dates

August 2, 2024 -   Parent Portal Opens for the 2024-2025 school year. 

August 13, 2024 - Grade 9 Open House (1:00 - 2:30 pm).

August 26, 2024 - First day of school for all students.