​Thursday’s performance of The Music Man has been cancelled due to illness. Everyone who purchased a ticket for this show will receive a refund. We are adding a Saturday 2:00 matinee. Senior Citizen Lunch will be held at 12:00 before the matinee. Tickets for the matinee will be available ChathamSD@Booktix.com at NOON today.
over 55 years ago, Chatham High School
Due to illness in the cast, today's performance of The Music Man is CANCELED (Wednesday 3/19). The senior citizen dinner will be rescheduled to 5:30 tomorrow evening and all tickets purchased for today's performance will be refunded. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
over 55 years ago, Chatham High School
Reminder there is a BOE Meeting tonight, March 17, 2025 in the CHS Auditorium at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube at https://www.chatham-nj.org/page/live-stream-video-of-boe-meetings.
12 days ago, School District of the Chathams
03.17.25 BOE Meeting
Chatham Schools will be closed tomorrow (Thursday, February 6). All after school activities, including the CMS production of Beetlejuice Jr., will go on as scheduled. Thank you.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
CHS Choir and Orchestra Program will be presenting the Duruflé Requiem on February 5 at 7:30pm in the CHS Auditorium. Admission is free. The performance will feature approximately 100 performers from the CHS Performing Arts Department. A short pre-concert lecture recorded by our guest musical clinician Adam Glaser of The Juilliard School and Hofstra University will also be shown before the performance starting at 7:30 PM. Lastly, the performance will also feature an art installation inspired by the music of the Requiem created by the students of the CHS Fine Art Department in the lobby of the auditorium. We hope to see you there!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Reminder there is a BOE Meeting tonight, February 3, 2025 in the CHS Auditorium at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube at https://www.chatham-nj.org/page/live-stream-video-of-boe-meetings.
about 2 months ago, School District of the Chathams
BOE Meeting - 02/03/25 at 7:30pm
Congratulations to Liam Keller, Director of Orchestras for grades 4-5 and 9-12, for being selected as one of the 40 educators to be features in the Yamaha "40 Under 40" round up for 2025. Educators are selected from all over the country to be recognized for having classrooms where musicality, creativity, and innovation thrive. Read more about this wonderful recognition by clicking the following link: https://hub.yamaha.com/music-educators/40-under-40/2025/keller-liam/
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Due to the forecast for freezing rain and icing overnight, Chatham schools will operate on a 90-minuted delayed opening schedule tomorrow (Friday, January 31). Thank you and be safe!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
There will be a Consortium event in New Providence on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30pm. There will be pizza provided for individuals who have pre-registered, followed by a viewing of the documentary Screenagers and a panel discussion. Make sure to pre-register by scanning the QR code.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
On Friday, we had our annual Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration! The students in CMS, CHS, and Chinese Club put on wonderful performances displaying cultural dances, music, and plays. Happy Lunar New Year!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Lunar NY
Lunar NY
Lunar NY
Lunar NY
Lunar NY
The dates for the Board of Education meetings in March and April have changed. The March meeting will now be held on March 17, 2025, and the April meeting will take place on April 28, 2025. Both meetings will begin at the usual time of 7:30pm.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
date changes
Students in Mr. Mariano's class have presented their final projects today at the Design Studio Showcase. Each student displayed unique and creative solutions for everyday things. They did a wonderful job!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
design studio showcase
design studio showcase
design studio showcase
design studio showcase
The CHS orchestras had a wonderful concert last night! If you were unable to attend, the performance can be viewed using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpUAmaV7vq0
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Reminder there is a BOE Meeting tonight, January 13, 2025 in the CHS Auditorium at 7:30 PM. The meeting will also be live streamed on YouTube at https://www.chatham-nj.org/page/live-stream-video-of-boe-meetings.
2 months ago, School District of the Chathams
BOE Meeting- 01/13/25 at 7:30pm
The CHS Bands had a great concert last night! If you were unable to attend, the performance can be viewed using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0onWK3e1yx0
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
jazz band
American Red Cross will be holding a blood drive at Chatham High School in the cafeteria on Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 9am-2pm. Registration is strongly encouraged and can be done using the QR code on the flyer attached or by going to redcrossblood.org/rapidpass.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
blood drive
Join us for a celebration of the Lunar New Year, with dinner in the CHS cafeteria courtesy of the Chatham Education Association on January 17 at 6pm. Tickets for the dinner are free, but reservations are required, as seating is limited. Performances will take place in the auditorium at 7:15pm following dinner, and no tickets are required to attend the performances. To reserve your spot for the dinner, click the following link: https://gofan.co/event/2628684?schoolId=NJ20092_2
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
chinese lunar new year
The CHS Orchestra, Choir and Band rang in winter break by performing fun holiday songs for the CMS today! Great job to all performers!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
holiday concert
holiday concert
holiday concert
Today was CHS Alumni Return Day! We were joined by panelists Louise Dinnhaupt (University of Colorado Boulder), Henry Davenport (University of Virginia), Julia Wilcox (PACE), and Ellie Bacon (Northeastern), who shared their experiences with our students. A big thank you to all the alumni who returned to offer valuable advice and guidance to our seniors
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Alumni Day
Alumni Day
Alumni Day
Alumni Day
Information regarding the CHS Senior Internship including the program website and catalog is available on our website. https://www.chatham-nj.org/o/chs/article/1927091
over 55 years ago, Chatham High School