Grade 9 Open House on Tuesday, August 13th from 1-2:30 pm.. Students should bring their schedules.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Grade 9 Open House Wednesday, August 13 1-2:30 PM
We are Hiring Coaches! Please apply at or refer anyone who might be interested in the open athletic positions. We are looking forward to a strong 2024/2025 athletic season!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Hiring Varsity Assistant Coach, Soccer, Hockey, Basket ball, Fencing, JV soccer coach, Frehaman head coach volleyball, soccer , weight room supervisor
Watch the Chatham High School 2024 Graduation Ceremony!
10 months ago, Connor Henderson
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
choir in graduation gowns
Facultuy in grad gowns standing with students standing
students seated in blue graduation gowns
Students n blue caps and gowns
Graduation practice is underway! Only a few hours until they officially Chatham High School graduates.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
group of students standing in front of folding chairs
adult maile in white shirt and students in shorts walking
The stage is set! TedxYouth@Chatham is tonight at 7 P.M. Join us as we REFRAME what is possible. Tickets are available
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Picture of TEDx letters on stage in front of Chatham High School slide
REFRAME Speakers and TEDxYouth@Chathams
CHS students participated in spirit weeks this year organized by the Pep Club. Ninth graders had the highst level of participation, winning the year end celebration! Ninth graders enjoyed an afternoon of lawn games, ice cream, and a dunk tank. Students had the opportunity to dunk their principal, Dr. Walker, assistant principal, Mr. Henderson, and four teachers (Mr. Agree, Mr. Erb, Ms. Lacy, and Ms. Connors).
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
male in dunk tank
male in dunk tank
male in dunk tank
students outside playing yard games
Tomorrow night New WRLD Quartet will take the stage at TEDxYouth@Chatham.. Tickets are available at
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Jame Li  Bio
Lily Ditanna bio
Ishir Rao bio
Brooks Wang Bio
Congratulations to all seniors who received awards and scholarships recognizing their contributions at Chatham High School and to the community. We are grateful to the individuals and organizations who made these awards and scholarships possible.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
male  standing at podium with bags on table and people seated behind the table
Man in suit shaking hands with student in front of group of seated adults behind Chatham High School Table Cloths
Adult male giving award to student male
tony mack giving award to chatham
Yesterday students and staff members joined together with law enforcement to support Special Olympics in the annual Torch Run. Starting at Southern Boulevard School, runners followed a route that passed all Chatham schools. We were excited to welcome students back to the sidelines this year to cheer the runners on as they passed each school.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
large group in special olympics torch run shirts grey and blue with law enforcement standing infront of a school with a Chatham High School and a Chatham Township banner
male runners in blue shirts carrying special olympics torch
female runners in grey shirts
male runners in blue shirts and female in grey shirt slapping hands of students lining school while running
Welcome Patrick Ryan back to the red dot as the host of TEDxYouth@Chatham REFRAME. Join Patrick next Tuesday, June 11 at 7 PM. Tickets are available at
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Male with REFRAME TEDxYouth@Chatham Logo
On June 11 at 7 PM Annemarie Lord will REFRAME the nuisance of a sock seam into a strength that empowered her to become a firefighter. CHS teacher Carolyn Woods will REFRAME how we meet people through sign. Register now at
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
woman with blue short sleeve shirt with REFRAME logo
Picture of blonde girl in gray sweatshirt
Meet Christina Stuart who will REFRAME how we approach grief and Aidan Manning who will REFRAME our perspective on regret. Tickets for TEDxYouth@Chatham are available at Join us on June 11 at 7 PM.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Girl in red shirt and REFRAME TEDxYouth@Chatham Logo  with bio
Girl in yellow shirt Tedx logo and bio
TEDxYouth@Chatham is only two weeks away, Meet Lilly Arps who will REFRAME the lessons of the "Little Engine that Could" and Sophie Maher who will REFRAME how we think about corn in our diets. Tickets for TEDxYouth@Chatham are available at Join us on June 11 at 7 PM.
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
Picture of girl in yellow dress and reframe tedxyouth logo and girl in blue shirt and reframe logo and bio
Girl in blue shirt and tedx reframe logo  and bio
We are pleased to announce the speakers for TEDxYouth@Chatham. Register now to spend an evening listening to ideas that shift your perspective and encourage you to REFRAME what is possible. Register at #tedxyouthchatham #REFRAME
10 months ago, School District of the Chathams
REFRAME TEDXYouth@chatham  June 11 2024 Pictures of speakers  Patrick Ryan Host, Lilly Arps, Annemarie Lord, Sophie Maher, Aidan Manning, Christina Stuart, Carolyn Woods
School closed tomorrow, May 23, Friday, May 24, and Monday May 27. Delayed opening on Tuesday, May 28th. Enjoy the long weekend!!
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Reminder School Closed May 23, May 24, May 27 and Tuesday May 28
CHS cast of Macbeth performed at Montclair State's Theatre Night Awards and takes home Best Production of an Elevated Language Play. Andrew Krautheim won Best Actor in this category and won Best Overall Actor out of 132 productions. #Chatheatre
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
6 students dressed in Macbeth costumes in front of a Montclair State University Theatre Night sign
Congratulations to all the CHS choral groups on fantastic performances last week. Mr. Bryson even elevated "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" to a White House quality piece that brought out your unique talents and creativity.
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
CHS combined choir students
chs female choir students signing on risers
female high school students seated on stage
male high school students standing in front of risers singing
Jazz bands in grades 5-12 performed at SDOC District Jazz Night. Students and audience members alike celebrated how jazz brings together talent of all levels to create unique music each and every time a piece is played. Last night was the first time the opportunity these groups had a chance to perform Mumbo Jumbo as a combined group. Listen to this piece at
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams
Picture of male and female singing on stage in front of jazz band
picture of jazz band
picture of students holding a poster saying Mr. Conti with jazz band in the background. female holding mic
Picture of Jazz Bands on Stage with female and male giving an award and students holding poster
The Board of Education is planning to adopt the 2025/2026 district calendar by the end of this school year. There are three calendars currently under consideration. If you would like to provide feedback on the calendars, please view the calendars and share your preferences at
over 55 years ago, School District of the Chathams